Respekt NGO – Against all odds.

  • Role:Leadership, entrepreneur, networker, communicator, fundraiser, IT, construction, payroll - everything
In 2019, following the success of Eyebombing—a project that shifted my perspective on how my skills could make a tangible difference (thanks to Sam’s story)—I founded “Respekt NGO” in Vollsmose, Denmark’s most stigmatized and under-resourced area. Establishing “Respekt” was the hardest, most brutal challenge of my professional life.

Beyond the expected obstacles, I encountered a hardening of attitudes within political and institutional layers—where empathy had given way to indifference. Vollsmose had long been seen as a place where efforts rarely led to visible success, making further investment unpopular with both politicians and the public. This passive resistance to meaningful change took me by surprise. In hindsight, the warning signs were there—nobody had attempted to build something like Respect in Vollsmose for over 10 years, if ever.

Had I known the immense resistance I’d face—where even small steps of progress felt monumental—I might never have started. Every minor victory, requiring extraordinary effort, was often met with indifference or a shrug. Vollsmose is Denmark’s poorest area, and its challenges are incomparable to those in other places. What might be considered a small win elsewhere took monumental effort here, yet those hard-won victories were often dismissed or misunderstood by those not directly involved. 

Despite the challenges, Respect has grown—perhaps not exactly as I first envisioned, but true to my core vision—a thriving community hub built through flexibility, agility, and constant adaptation. It’s become a place of creativity, collaboration, and empowerment, standing as a beacon for marginalized communities. Here, people can reclaim their dignity, express their voices, and create meaningful change in their own lives.

The journey

The journey of building Respect is too complex to capture in one post. Instead, I will highlight different cases through individual articles, each showcasing unique aspects of the work—detailing the challenges, breakthroughs, and moments of impact that have shaped this ongoing project. I will add when time permits.